Ethno Village

Ethno Village

The idea for this Ethno Village was born out of Nedeljko Branković’s love for old ways of living, antiques, culture and tradition.

Ethno village Ljubačke doline is designed and set as an open-air museum with the intention of showing the life of a community that used to inhabit this area, its traditional architecture, material culture, and furniture from the late 19th century and early 20th century.

The Ethno village is intended to host exhibitions, art colonies, and historical re-enactments; to collect, preserve and present material and non-material cultural heritage from this and other regions.

The Ethno village consist of houses, barns, a pantry, vajats (houses for sleeping), a corn storage facility, a stable, a shepherd’s cottage, a tool shed and an agricultural machinery garage, an apiary, a distillery, etc. In total, some 40 different buildings.

All of the buildings are authentic and were brought in from various locations: the Kola, Krmina, Javorana and Ljubačevo village, as well as others. All of the furniture and household items in them are authentic and come from that period of time.

On the other side of the Ethno Village, you can find reconstructed blacksmith, carpenter and cooper shops among others, as well as a general store. All shops are furnished with authentic tools and machines from 19th and early 20th century.

The central object in the Ethno village is the market, also used as a space for exhibitions. In the centre of the market, you can find a tavern, but also an antique shop, a tailor, a weaver, a barber, a pharmacist/herbalist, etc.

The difference between this and many other similar ethno villages is that the owner Nedeljko Branković aims to transform the Ethno Village into a fully operational arts and crafts community center.