Who we are and where we are
Ethno village Lubačke Doline is located in the middle of the Ljubačevo village, some 17 kilometers from Banja Luka on the road to Kneževo

Ljubačke Doline
“It is a saint’s day, no labour today, so people gathered for a chat and were pleased to see the bulls fight. That is how people from Zmijanje used to rest on a holy day”, Petar Kočić wrote, and we invite you to visit us and enjoy your free time
Only 17 kilometres from Banja Luka, on the road to Kneževo
nedeljko.brankovic@hotmail.com, info@etno-muzej.com
Phones: +387 65 390 628, +387 66 987 898
Contact Us
Ljubačke Doline