Zmijanje embroidery course

In order to preserve cultural heritage and to make the old and traditional crafts approachable for today’s youth, ethno village Ljubačke Doline is organizing the Zmijanje embroidery course for the students of the elementary school “Milan Rakic” from Ljubačevo.

The response of girls surprised both the people from the village and the teachers from their school. The course is led by Jadranka Brankovic, whose Zmijanje embroidery works can be seen in the ethno museum, and can be bought in our shop, as well. The embroidery made by the pupils of the elementary School “Milan Rakic” are not for sale. Some of those works are framed and exhibited in the ethno museum and some adorn the walls of their homes.

Traditionally, the Zmijanje embroidery is used to decorate female costumes, including wedding dresses, scarves, garments and bed linen.